distillery tour & tasting — Port Chilkoot Distillery

Bottling Alaska Since 2012

Book your tour today through your cruise line.

Adventurers, wanderers, and good-timers wanted.

Welcome to Southeast Alaska’s first distillery. Join us for a peak behind the curtain at some of the Last Frontier’s favorite spirits, made right here in Haines, Alaska. Set within the historic district of Fort Seward, Port Chilkoot Distillery is renowned for our award-winning spirits and local ambiance.

Whether you’re an Alaskan by birth or fresh off the dock, there’s plenty to learn about the age-old process of distillation and how we create high-quality products in a remote, wild place. Haines is known for our maritime culture and biodiversity, and our spirits celebrate that in everything from our label design to our hand-harvested ingredients. We are proud to be here, and excited to experience the magic of distillation with you. Sign up for a tour today through your cruise line, and check out the rest of our website for more information on Haines, our spirits, and the story of Port Chilkoot Distillery. 

Our cruiseline partnerships include: Holand America, Princess, Royal Caribbean, American Cruiselines, and Cunard. If traveling by ship, please contact your shore excursions representative to book a tour.


Handcrafted spirits in a handcrafted building.

Tour a truly unique space with delicious spirits and great people.

Email tours@portchilkootdistillery.com for more information.