Named after John and Sharon Svenson, this quirky twist on a whiskey sour is a favorite of both locals and new visitors!


The Svenson1.5 oz Boatwright Bourbon.5 oz Spruce tip syrup.25 oz Fresh lemon juice3 dashes Angostura bittersShake and strain over ice. Garnish with a lemon twist and enjoy!*For a little extra spice, try this with our Wrackline Rye* Spruce Tip Syrup:…

The Svenson

1.5 oz Boatwright Bourbon

.5 oz Spruce tip syrup

.25 oz Fresh lemon juice

3 dashes Angostura bitters

Shake and strain over ice. Garnish with a lemon twist and enjoy!

*For a little extra spice, try this with our Wrackline Rye*


Spruce Tip Syrup:

1/2 Cup spruce tips

300 mL Sugar

600 mL Water

Bring sugar, water and spruce tips to a boil in a saucepan and turn off. Bottle when cool.