
Meet Rebecca: Business Operations & Supply Chain Manager

Her official title is Business Operations and Supply Chain Manager, but she helps manage all kinds of projects at the Distillery: marketing, sales, merchandise, distribution,— you name it. Rebecca has an MBA from Georgia State University and worked at a few Fortune 500 companies before moving to Haines from Atlanta last year. Landing in Haines is the culmination of a long-held dream to move to Alaska. She sold her house in Atlanta, constructed a camper truck to live out of, and set off for a road trip without any definite time stamp. Haines was far from her first (or final) destination, but upon arriving on the ferry, she said aloud to herself “I have to live here.”

It didn’t take her long to settle into life in Haines, or to find herself working at the Distillery. While vastly different from working at a large corporation, she emphasized how much she enjoys the diversity of her work here, having the freedom to create and execute ideas and constantly learn new skills. But, “First and foremost, what I enjoy most about working at the Distillery are the people I work with. My co-workers make it fun and lighthearted here,” she added.

What does Rebecca do outside of work? You can probably already guess, based on her story, that her free time is full of adventure. Biking and hiking, of course, but also baking the perfect homemade croissants!

Rebecca’s favorite Port Chilkoot Distillery spirit is the Wrack Line Rye and her favorite cocktail is Garrett’s Whiskey Sour with egg white. If you ever see her sipping on one in the tasting room after work, make sure to say hello! She has miles of stories that are best shared over cocktails on the porch, overlooking the canal that brought her to first step foot here in Haines.