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Meet Rodney, our Facility & Production Manager

Rodney grew up moving around quite a bit, living in Texas for several years, South Carolina, and even Mexico, but he moved to Haines in 2019 after 10 years or so of residing in Juneau. He lives "out the road" now, which in Haines' terms, means about 30 miles outside of town, a seemingly long commute full of gorgeous mountain views and the occasional moose encounter.

Rodney joined our team in March and quickly jumped into helping us produce hand sanitizer for the Haines community. The process was a bit different from the tasks he had anticipated: cooking mash for our Alaskan whiskeys, bottling up our Gin and Vodka, and shipping all of our spirits throughout the state. Despite the changes in our daily operation, he grew to be a staple here in our production building quite quickly.

What's his favorite Port Chilkoot Distillery spirit? Boatwright Bourbon in a classic Old Fashioned. In fact, our Boatwright Bourbon is also the spirit he enjoys producing the most. “I really enjoy observing the smells, the tastes, and everything that goes into learning the correct whiskey cuts,” he mentioned as he moved around the still. If you saw him routinely running around our production building, you’d never guess that he’s only been working at the Distillery since the spring. We're really glad he joined our team (and has been such a good sport about us interrupting his process to photograph him).